Fears over UK government

The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture (now Freedom from Torture) has raised urgent questions about a plan by the UK Border Agency (UKBA) to forcibly return unaccompanied child asylum seekers to Afghanistan on a monthly basis.

The Medical Foundation, whose client base includes survivors of torture and organised violence, has seen an increasing number of children from Afghanistan suffering extreme trauma after horrendous experiences, including torture, repeated rape and witnessing their family members being killed. Some have fled the country following pressure from their families and communities to fight or train as suicide bombers. After long, often treacherous journeys to the UK, sometimes suffering further physical violence on the way, they are terrified of being returned.

Grave risks on return

"What provisions are in place to establish on a case-by-case basis that Afghanistan is a safe environment for these boys to be returned to, when the personal circumstances of many young, unaccompanied Afghans in the UK may be extremely complex?" asks Juliet Cohen, Head of Doctors at the MF.

"We've seen a number of clients whose fathers have been killed; we're concerned that if these boys were returned to Afghanistan they may be subject to blood feud and family honour obligations and expected to take revenge for their fathers' deaths or face pressure from militants to take up arms "