Our impact in 2022
This has been our best year yet. Together with your support, we’ve achieved so much – we helped more survivors of torture to rebuild their lives, and we fought the Government’s cruel anti-refugee policies.
2022 was a year of incredible impact. Our therapists and doctors supported more survivors to secure safety and rebuild their lives. Our campaigns reached new heights, creating real change to policies impacting survivors of torture. And survivor voices have never been more central to the international fight to put an end to torture worldwide.
This is only possible thanks to your incredible commitment and support for a more compassionate world.
Together with more than 100,000 caring people across the UK, torture survivors took action last year to stop the Government’s ‘cash for humans’ Rwanda scheme. With your support, our award-winning campaign forced private airlines to rule themselves out from taking part in the cruel scheme.
Right now, I feel secure and safe. Freedom from Torture has changed my life.
- Ibrahim, survivor of torture
Our therapists, lawyers and welfare advisors offered a lifeline to people who crucially needed compassion, support and rehabilitation to recover and rebuild their lives in the UK. Compared to the previous year, in 2022 we helped 18% more torture survivors to heal and feel safe and strong again via our therapy services. And 25% more survivors received clinical evidence to support their asylum claim.
Please join us in 2023 with your time, energy and financial support. We know it’s been a tough year for all of us but at times like this it's crucial we stand up and show the strength of our movement.