The group is more than therapy, it is our family

For some of the survivors I’ve worked with, football has achieved remarkable things.

I’m a therapist at Freedom from Torture. Most of the people I work with suffer from depression and symptoms of post-traumatic stress because of their torture. They have frequent nightmares and flashbacks.

Added to that, many are socially isolated and their recovery is made difficult by the stresses of the UK asylum system. It is difficult for them to relax and trust others.

But our football groups in London and Manchester have transformed many of their lives. One man was very withdrawn when he started with us. Life was hard.

But coming in and meeting other people in the same situation, seeing them laughing, smiling, doing normal things, that was the moment he realized that, maybe, his life could get better too.

Football can literally be a lifeline for someone who has dealt with torture, loss and is facing tremendous uncertainty in their future.

He made friends, improved his English and his confidence, which helped him to move forward with his life in the UK.

My colleagues are always telling me about the transformation that being in the football groups brings to the survivors they work with – that their clients have gained confidence and have more hope for the future.

Football can literally be a lifeline for someone who has dealt with torture, loss and is facing tremendous uncertainty in their future.

I’ll leave you with this thought, one man said, "The group is everything. It is more than therapy, it is our family. Whatever it is on a Monday, if it's rainy or sunny, I'll be there.

Thank you for all you do to support our work!

Selcuk Berilgen

-Therapist at Freedom from Torture

Football Groups

Our football groups are a lifeline for torture survivors and provide a space to make new friends within the community, improve communication skills, and fight against exclusion and isolation. To find out more about our football groups and the therapeutic benefits they offer, click here