Our Strategy: 2022-2025

Our vision is a world free from torture.

We know that is not going to happen overnight, so we’re launching a new strategy from 2022-2025 to create a more compassionate world - and we want you to be part of it. 

Our values

We oppose torture fiercely and stand with survivors in their recovery. Their resilience is a source of constant inspiration.

Compassion: Understanding the suffering, acting together to end it

Empowerment: Unlocking strength, moving from passive to active

Resolve: Never giving up, even in the hardest times

Hope: Belief in the potential for making change

Working alonside torture survivors, supporters and partners, we've designed our most ambitious strategy yet. Together, we’ve developed a pioneering new approach that ensures people who have lived through both torture and the UK’s harsh asylum system are at the heart of creating a world free from torture.

With your help, we’re also aiming to double the number of people who receive our rehabilitation therapies - and provide twice as many survivors with the expert clinical reports they need to support their asylum claims.

The strategy includes our plan for:

  • Changing lives by helping more survivors of torture than ever via our ground-breaking clinical services 
  • Changing the system by building broad support for the torture ban and Britain as a country of sanctuary for survivors, and growing the movement of people taking action to defend these principles
  • Survivors leading the change by taking the lead and shaping all areas of our work
  • Changing ourselves to become more agile and creative, better reflect the communities we serve, and be on track to become a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 

Fund our strategy for a future free from torture

Become a regular monthly supporter today to fund our strategy and together we can build a world free from torture.